* The ULTIMATE "Movies and TV series" MIDI collection * April '96 Here's the index list with all the known authors. Their email addresses can often be found in the MIDI code: 1492 MID Conquest of Paradise (from "1492") 2001 MID Thus spoke Zarathustra (from: "2001: A Space Odyssey") (c) Michael Ford Archives 2PEAKS MID Twin Peaks; by HMW AIRWOLF MID Airwolf ALADDIN MID Aladdin medley ALF MID Alf; (c) Dubisoft Inc. ANIMX MID Animaniacs; by Chris Conroy ARTHUR2 MID Arthur's Theme (from: "Arthur") AXELF MID Axel F. (from: "Beverly Hills Cop") BACK MID Back to the Future; by Tom Frerichs BATMAN1 MID Batman BEETLJUC MID Beetlejuice; by Wesley Ellinger BOND MID James Bond CAVATI1 MID Cavatina (from: "The Deer Hunter") CHARIOTS MID Chariots of Fire CHIMAI MID Chi Mai (from: "Le Professionnel"); by HMW CROCKET MID Crocket's Theme (from: "Miami Vice") DALLAS MID Dallas; by Anne Wallace DASBOOT MID Das Boot (techno version) DOIT4YOU MID I Do It for You (from: "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves") (c) Music Sales Ltd. DOOGISER MID Doogie Howser DS9 MID Deep Space Nine DUNBAR MID The John Dunbar Theme (from: "Dances with Wolves") by Peter Modin EDSCISRH MID Edward Scissorhands; by Peter Modin EXODUS MID The Exodus Song (from "Exodus") FAWLTY MID Fawlty Towers; by mikey FLINTSTO MID The Flintstones; by Don Carroll FORREST MID Forrest Gump; by Rick Ho GILLIGAN MID Gilligan's Island GODFATHR MID The Godfather GONEWIND MID Gone With the Wind GRAILTHM MID Monty Python and The Holy Grail; by Mikey HALOWEE_ MID Halloween; by Will HARLMNOC MID Harlem Nocturne (from: "Mike Hammer"); by Don Carroll HAWAII50 MID Hawaii 5-0 IDJEANIE MID I Dream of Jeanie INDYSONG MID Indiana Jones JAWS MID Jaws; by JThor JURAS_GM MID Jurassic Park; by Sandman KNIGHT MID Knight Rider; (c) 1994 DubiSoft Inc. LASTSTA2 MID The Last Starfighter; by Steve Mitchell LASTSTAR MID The Last Starfighter; by Sean Hickey LIBERTY MID The Liberty Bells March (from "Monty Python's Flying Circus") LILYWAS MID Lily Was Here (from: ??? - someone help me please); (c) Master Sequence LNSLCY MID Linus and Lucy (from "The Peanuts") LUNYTUNE MID Loony Toons MACGYVE2 MID Mac Gyver; by Aaron Oneal (new version!) MUPPETS MID The Muppet Show NAKEDGU2 MID The Naked Gun NAKEDGUN MID The Naked Gun PEANUTS MID Linus and Lucy (from: "The Peanuts"); by D. W. Barnes PERRY_MA MID Perry Mason PICKET MID Picket Fences PINBAL2 MID Pinball Wizard (from: "Tommy"); by Glen Marshall PPANTH32 MID The Pink Panther PSYCHO MID Psycho; by Bernard Herrmann RAIDERS MID Indiana Jones SCHNLIST MID Schindler's List SHAFT MID Shaft STARTRK MID Star Trek:Judgement Rites (from: "Star Trek TOS") STARWARS MID Star Wars STREETOF MID (Streets of) Philadelphia STTNG MID Star Trek: The Next Generation STTNG2 MID Star Trek: The Next Generation SUPERMAN MID Superman SWAT MID SWAT; by Joshua Sitron THEPIANO MID The Piano TRIPODS MID The Tripods (??? - can someone confirm this?); by Anne Wallace TWINPEAK MID Twin Peaks; by M. Patricios UNDERSEA MID Under the Sea (from: "The Little Mermaid") UNTCHBLS MID The Untouchables (??? - can someone confirm this?) VANGELS2 MID Bladerunner; by Brian Havis VOYAGER2 MID Star Trek: Voyager; by Peter Moore X_FILES4 MID X Files; by Frank Perreault (improved version!) ZHIVAGO MID Dr. Shivago; by Don Carroll