
File Downloading

To download the songs:

1) Just click onto the name of the song that you want to download ( the name of the songs are hyperlinked ).

2) After you clicked onto it, you have to wait for a while( depend on how fast your internet connection is ) and then you will be transfered to another page( Tripod homepage ). Don't be alarm if you see another page with an advertisement and a yellow box containing the link. It's NOT an 404 error ( file-not-found error ).

3) Then just click onto the link in the yellow box and wait......

4) Save it in whatever director you want to save. ( NOTE: mp3 files' size are pretty large, so DON'T ever save those files on your floppy disk ) and make sure you know where you save it because if you don't, you will be a hard time finding where you save it.

Hope this help :)



Click here if it still doesn't work or suggestions to improve on the steps.


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