
File Finder

After you downloaded the file and did not know where the file went, here are the steps that will help you find it:

1) click onto START button
2) go to FIND
4) Click onto LOOK IN MENU
4) Scroll all the way up to My Computer(if nessary)
5) Click onto MY COMPUTER
6) Make sure that option called INCLUDE SUBFOLDERS is checked
7) Type: *.mp3 in the NAMED textfield
8) click onto FIND NOW button and wait.....
9) If the file you looking for is on your computer, it will show a list of file with ".mp3" extention in the textfield below.
10) then just look at the folder it is in(it's shown just beside the file name) and go to that folder and play it. (or) you can double click onto the file to play it.

Hope this help!

Click here if it still doesn't work or suggestions to improve on the steps.


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