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Welcome to my real audio music page.

These pages were made with a WebTV so computer users might not be able to hear the songs. If you can't hear the music click on this icon to download a FREE Real Audio player now before going any further.

On these pages you will find links to (hopefully) some of your favorite songs from past and present.
Feel free to use any you like on your e-mails or your web-sites. Or just chill out and enjoy the listening of the great music.
This page will be updated as often as time permits so make sure to bookmark it and stop back often to continue rock n'

Click on your destination to where ya wanna go below.

All music is listed in alphabetical order to the artist or name of group

Thank-You for stopping by and PLEASE sign the guestbook and pass this page on to your family and friends.

If you would like to link your page with mine use the folowing code for my banner on your home-page or e-mail. Thank-You!!
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