Brian Littrell

"I guess"

Name: Brian Thomas Littrell.

Birthday: February 20th 1975.

Zodiac sign: Pisces.

Birthplace: Lexington, Kentucky.

Hair: Brown.

Eyes: Blue.

Height; 1,70 cm.

Weight: 65 kg.

Resides: Orlando, Florida.

Parents: Harold and Jackie.

Brother: Harold Jr.

Greatest fear: Heights.


Sports: Basketball, golf.

Food: Macaroni & cheese, cheese pizza.

Color: Blue.

Cologne: Ralph Lauren.

Jewelry: One earring in each ear, his gold necklace and "B-Rok" pendent.

Toy: Honda Civic, basketball.

Tattoo: Cross on his left arm.

Star: Jim Carrey.

Subject: History.

Movie: Trainspotting.

Possession: "B-Rok" necklace.

Groups: Boyz II Men, Shai, Jodeci, Brian Mcnight.

Girl: Sandra Bullock.

Pet: Missy, his cat.


Playing basketball, singing, playing golf with his dad, shopping at the mall, joking around.


- Sang in gospel choirs at church.

- Sang with his family at reunions.

- Almost died with the age of 5.


- He had his first real kiss with 10 years old and he record that it was very strange.

- He has had many girlfriends, but nothing serious.

- He once put a dozen of roses in his girlfriend's locker.

- He doesn't really date much when on tour.

- He wants to get married and have a big family.


- He is cousins with Kevin.

- He is very good friends with Nick.

- He had open heart surgery when he was 5 years old.

- He is a baptist.

- At the age of eight he recorded a Cd with the church choir.

- Before they go on tour, Brian spends 24 hours watching nothing but TV.

- He bought a king size water bed for $ 50.

- If they made a movie about him, he would like to be played by Brad Pitt.

- He first discovered he made sucess with girls was when, he went to sing in a high school and when he went up stage, all the girls started to scream and he couldn't sing.

- He wanted to be a teacher.

- His dad taught him to play golf, he's very good at it and also teaches the other Boys.

- He makes sure he always acces to a basketball court when he's on tour.

- He carries his B-ball around.