Useless Bantering

Does this life disturb your rest? Miss your bed at night? Is the street too cold to sleep on? A many of french fries eatten in a lifetime. Leaving nothing for me to play with. Many ding-dongs have not been shared. Lonely times call on MCI's dime a minute plan to maxiumize their loneliness. This week is nothing more than many scattered thoughs. Dirty surrounds and destroys the opposition. Friends call, School never ends either does the arguing in my head. Sometimes you need a timeout. Others you need to sit down with some friends and talk and remember. Remember my first column? Don't worry, neither do I. Random snip-its of time are the resprentation of my life. How does it amount to though? Probably not much. But then again, nothing really does. why is this rice cold? It needs to be nuked a bit longer. Damn it! I can wait that long I'm hungry now. I need food to see. I get very dizzy with a lack of food. But deans just like to argue and cause problems. So do teachers. Who's to blame? Sure as hell ain't me. I like to eat my pop tarts toasted. Hey, beggars can't be chosers. HTML and all that jazz. Ice Tea driven fanasties play close to home. They don't like the cars that drive too close to the curb. But you get ten points if you hit one. Refried myths with a bit of tabascco sauce. Where are those ten cent wings? Enjoy your subs and tannery pizza. I sit mesermized by my ceiling. IT has so many interesting stories to tell. Do tell. A boy on Ice Tea withdrawal saw a chance to score a quick fix. He grabbed the mix and a picture. He made his drink of choice. He drank it alone. Him and his Ice Tea. Savorying every bit. He could smile now. His heart was now relieved. It was all he needed. The ceiling has so much more to tell. Please help my passage. Knots to you. Ranch flavored of course. Wild, never trusted. Do you have the faith that is need? Aggrivate the pain in my stomach. So does my head. Honey coated with ahint of garlic. I got about four lines left to fill so... How about... Maybe... No that would not work. How about this? Maybe not. I got such a headache right now. Many be it school. Hey, they are the perfect scapegoat. It all works out good. (Moaning grows louder.) Unearthed with inflicted wounds upon the brow. Qualified? Or quantitified? Time to go. 1