Fourth Side of Wishkah

Last updated on 08/08/02

Here are the clips, in order, as they appear on the fourth side of wishkah. (the vinyl version) I have transcribed and figured out the dates to these clips.If you know the date of any of the shows not dates, please e-mail me.

  1. "Good Morning... Do you people drink gin?" -From 12/30/93

  2. 'I've spent all of my life avoiding sporting arenas and here I am playing in one."

  3. This song is dedicated to Frank Zappa, and um, River Phoniex, fred Gwinn, who played Herman Munster, Dixie Lee Ray (Dixie Lee Ray), Thomas P., Tip O'Neil and you dumb ass who just threw water on me."

  4. Mumbling and then crowd cheers. -From 11/10/93 before All Apologies

  5. "That guy stage divers fright or something. He's going to to jump. I don't know. I am. I don't know. Am I going to do it.
    How many teeth are you down to? Huh? How many teeth are you down to Kurt? How many teeth? Yeah. Three? Three." -From 11/10/93 before Penny Royal Tea

  6. "Thanks alot. Thanks. I would like to issue a warning for alll the riders, tropical fish of the sea and enemy. This girl fell and like cracked her head like I seen the whole thing happen. Remember, It's all fun and games til someone gets hurt." -From 11/10/93 before School

  7. The song 'Dumb' plays and then stops. "Hey hey! We fucked this up didn't we? I fucked it up. I'm sorry. To hell with that song." -From 11/10/93 Dumb

  8. "That was a good time feel good Rock n' Roll jam. Pass out (Thank You) the Boone's Farm Strawberry Wine. Pull out the columbian joints (Kurt strums a few chords of All Apologies) I'm looking for a three finger bag."

  9. "If you throw one more shoe or one more coin, I'm going to turn up my guitar amplifier and leave for an hour and there's going to be massive feedback for an hour. Because when one rotten apple in the class fucks it up, the rest have to suffer. Okay?" -From 11/10/93 before Milk It

  10. "Thank you very much. So two percent of you came in costumes.." -From 10/31/91 before School

  11. "This song is about hairy, sweaty, macho, redneck men." -From 10/31/91 before Rape Me

  12. "Did you say pussy? Did you just yell out pussy? Thank you very much. Is Pussy P.C. (Politically Correct)? What's a P.C. word for pussy? ("If I'm a pussy, you're a dick.")("You called me a vagina? How dare you?) You're... you're labia." -From 12/30/93

  13. Little jam "White boy funk sucks." -From 10/31/91 before SLTS

  14. "Thank you..."

  15. "We're going to have a cigarette break now."