d o c u m e n tc o n t a c tw o r d sm u s i cl i n k

n e w s  
[saturday 6th july 2002 10:51pm]

Adelaide tour diary is finally up. I'm not even going to bother making excuses this time about how slack I am with updates on this thing right about now. I'm gonna have to finish the terror firma site off finally before I do anything else anyway. The half finished firma site can be viewed here if you want. It's my new band and we like the chug. The site's already out of date, because we're not playing that show advertised unfortunately. Oh well. Don't think you're going to be escaping my shitty musical ventures, because a totally under-rehearsed project I'm doing with Craig called Elton (fucking) John is also playing that show. Why the hell am I using this space to talk about my crappy bands? Meh. Well. Enjoy the 'tour diary'...all three days of it. Seeya soon kids.