They'll be sorry when i'm famous
Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who’s always in the shit and the depth could only vary…but the most ironic thing is…is that I’m innocent most of the time….well at least I think so anyways.
I think that I’ve had too much criticism in about the last month and it doesn’t seem to be very funny. I recently posted a new thread on the forum letting people know the existence of my friend’s Company (Superbands) and got nothing but criticism. All I was doing was spreading the word – doing what was part of my job as a representative and everybody turned their noses up at me like I was a monster. I don’t blame em for feeling so concerned about being burned by con artists and not trusting booking agencies and so on but some of people who have heard about the concept didn’t even check out the website I had suggested. It took Timmy (that friend of mine) and I reports and reports to try and get through to them and they eventually started to accept fact there are probably a few more accept the concept right now.

Another story: I suggested for people to check out my website through another forum in case of boredom and in about 24 hours they insult and criticize that too….on my guestbook! I obviously wasn’t expecting such arseholes to be rude but it really hurt my feelings and if they didn’t like my website that’s their stupid little problem…as some people would say “ if you can’t say anything nice its best not to say anything at all”.

I know that this is only the internet but people like that seem to be unaware of what the person in any online situation might be feeling on the other side, in fact they don’t give a crap. They do it for their own pleasure, to draw attention to themselves. Immaturity and ignorance is what makes them unattractive