site updated on 9-30-03
a message from me
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Hello! Welcome to "Lady Pimpstyle's Page"...Lady Pimpstyle? was originally a name for chat, but kinda stuck so I decided to make it my site name. The idea came from a guy I used to know from Trinidad. He refered to everything that was different or unique about someone as their "pimpstyle". The idea originated there and no one seems to have that screen name so I guess it is my "pimpstyle" to use it as my name. Anyway, this site has been in the making for a long time and still is not done, but please feel free to look through it anyway.There is a lot about me and who I am. I hope to add things to it often, so if you like it, come back soon and it should be updated.

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since January 24th, 2003

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