Yes, you read the title correct, you've entered my page dedicated to the extremely talented Canadian band named Serial Joe. And the title would have been much kewler if I actually could have thought of more than one idea. So there. NE-Wayz, I have *UPDATED* since i went to EDGEFEST I got both cds and now will be able to make this a nicer page :). So bare with me ppl coz I just started updating again recently. Come back every once and a while and something new will be up? okees!


*All Lyrics have been put on Lyrics page*

*Skidrow & Obsession MP3s on Stuff for your comp page*

*New page: You know you like SJ too much when..*

*New page about me and a thanx page*

*Updated news page*

*Added a Link to Us page*

*Added Edgefest Scrapbook page*


EDGEFEST ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

















Okay, that's all so far. Come back soon! This page is EXTREMELY under construction! Now, be a good little lemming and go vote for their latest video, "Mistake", at okay? okay. OH and while your at it go to the link for the countdown, and put their name in all five spaces. We need them at #1!!!