Would you like to see your story appear on Backstreet MANIA? Read on for details...

Your Work Must Be:

1)ORIGINAL. No plagerising, and don't go ripping off another author's concept. Be creative, people!

2)SPELLCHECKED! This should go without saying, but for God's sake, point and click your way to easy reading! And do TRY to be grammatically correct.

3)ACTIONS MUST BE IN WRITTEN FORM. For the love of God....I beg of you....please, do not send stories which feature *lol* instead of "He laughed". (Simple example, I know, but hopefully, you get the point.

4)WELL WRITTEN. Let's be honest - 80% of the stories posted on the web today are far from well written. MANIA's foremost goal is to transcend that statistic by "publishing" the work of authors who invest sincere time and effort in their projects. What are the major components of a "well written" piece?
A) Plot. Original, innovative, and intriguing are key words as far as this aspect is concerned. I'm looking for quality stories with plots that are capable of capturing - and holding - our readership's attention and interest.
B) Character depth. James Joyce once said, "A writer should know how much change a character has in his pockets." My advice: take that quote to heart when writting, and better yet, submitting your stories for hosting. Getting inside a character's mind is half the fun of reading - and writing.

5)QUALITY. Have you spent time browsing the MANIA shelves? Do you feel your work is on par with the other hosted stories featured in the Library? Do you meet the above prerequisettes?

If you haven't been eliminated yet:

1)Send an email requesting hosting to Jessi with "Hosting" in the subject line. Include the first chapter of your story in the email as well.

2)When prompted to do so, email at LEAST five chapters of your fic to me. THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. You MUST have a minimum of five completed chapters to be considered for hosting. We don't want a stalemate story taking up precious bytes in the MANIA Library. If you have MORE of your story finished, send that portion as well (again, when prompted).

3)When mailing your chapters, include any author's note you'd like to appear on the table of contents of your piece, and well as the rating bracket you feel your story falls into (i.e= G, PG, PG-13, R) This does NOT guarantee that your story will be rated in your desired manner, but I do like to include the author in the decision. All ratings are at my descretion.

4) Include an estimated time of completion for your fic as well and a guess as to the finished length of your story. I'd appreciate that.

If you think your story meets the above requirments, then don't waste any more time! I look forward to receiving your requests. Thank you!

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