Hello, my name is Manda. This is my page so far, it is a work-in-progress, so stop by later to see if I've added anything! If you're looking for content and substance...Dude...You're definitly in the wrong place!


Me on a Main St. bench
Me in my 75 cent shirt
All dressed up and no place to go!
This was in the grocery store!
Some friends and I at Business World
Chantel and I taking money at a punk show
"Oh, she's just a girl..."
Me and the girls, Homecoming 1999
Getty soapy in the Laundromat
Vamping it up....
Saber wolf!
Lala, Ashley, and I...prom
Prom...Who needs dates when you have friends?
Ash and I at Eau Claire
Uh oh, Looks like a seance to me!
Ashley and I with George...Isn't he a stud?
Company E Rocks!
Ashley and I, SnowCourt 2001!
Ms. Deville, ready for your close up?
Check out my eyes..I swear I'm not satanic! Creepy, eh?
More fun at the Laundromat!
Ashley and I, again.
Just call me Bond, James Bond
My gym teacher was obsessed with doing crunches
These jeans cost me 3 bucks, the shirt I made..I'm so cheap..No! Not that kind of cheap...Dirty Boy!
He kissed better than my date.Too bad he was such a cold fish in bed.
Oh, am I stylin' or what?
Playing around in Pamida
Gratuitious cleavage shot
Amy and I at 5 a.m. the morning after Graduation.

Go see my friend Jeff's page!