version: Holy S#*&! GothredheadTay has taken the fuck over!

your standard disclaimer
no, i don't own hanson. no, i didn't really brand dave's ass with a #2, despite my might have having said so. no, zac doesn't really live in my closet. no, scott probably doesn't really have deadly crabs. however: yes, bob really did shave his head. and yes, taylor really *is* a manwhore, despite his virginity, which i'm *so* sure still exists (*snork*). also: i wrote a majority of the stories hosted here. don't steal them otherwise you're pond scum and you wear abercrombie. (*boohiss*) the only way to be sure about who the author is, is to check the email addresses, and i dunno, mabey actually write a little letter, be it of complaint or of praise.  thankye for your kind attention. *steps off podium*
i updated 'Prelude to a Kiss' and added a rather lovely angsty type story starring Taylor and Scott Moffatt. Yippee. Also note: don't wait up for updates on 'Just Us'. Isis has no intention or plan of finishing it, and last I checked, she and I had no resentment over the issue.

and, as always:
COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! email me! flames, compliments, i read them all. however, flames will be discarded unless they bring up a good point. suggest links, have ACWA host your dirty or controversial stories, or just have a talk with the mastermind behind the mayhem, moi. (aliteration much?)  to join the update list, email me
here with the subject as ACWA UPDATE as the subject. i'll send out a letter confirming it and we'll be on our way! ok? ok!
amy- 15/f/the freaking founder
emma - 14/f/TBA
isis - 19/f/Just Us
kara - 20/f/Wordless
r. marie -  f/zac fetish
willow - resident featured poet

April: It Isn't Nice To Gawk
Aspen: Devil Angel
Aspen and Skylar: Whispers
Shelby: If They Knew
Shelby and Aileen: Fall On Your Knees
Slink:  Dream

Comic Relief:
why heaven is hell and vice versa
peeping tom

RECOMMENDED: the moff zone: where hanson and the moffatts collide. in an airport

Misc. Crap
Random Acts of Fugly
Holy F***: A Survey

And now, Something for the
Bi Kids
inot an obsession.
A fetish.
Sign   (for the exhibitionist in you)    View (for the voyeurist in you)
Production, GothTay Design 2001
August 3, 2001 at 6:42 PM.
i really need to quit with the gaps between updates.
since the fuggin' beginning. wowza.