UK PUNK/NEW WAVE 1980 LISTINGS more to be added....


UK 80 A 16: Accident On The East Lancs.-Any Trouble / 10/05 Akrylykz pic.

UK 80 Ap 15: Apartment-AVO-8 / 11/04 Au Pairs pic.

UK 80 B 23: Back Seat Romeos-Buzzcocks /

UK 80 Ca 17: Carpettes-Clustiau Cwn /

UK 80 Co 22: Cockney & Westerns-Cure / 3/09 Cravats pic.

UK 80 Da 16: Da Biz-Desperate Bicycles / 5/08 Delta5 pic.

UK 80 Di 16: Diagram Brothers-Dummies /

UK 80 E 18: Echo & The Bunnymen-Eyes / 5/08 Essential Logic pic.

UK 80 F 15: Fab Food-Alex Fergusson /

UK 80 Fi 16: Fingerprintz-Furniture / 5/07 Freshies/ Chris Sievey solo pic.

UK 80 G 18: Gang Of Four-Grow-Up / 11/08 Genocide Exit pic.

UK 80 H-I 24: Warren Harry-IQ Zero /

UK 80 J-K 15: Jags-Tony Koklin /

UK 80 L 14: Lambrettas-Lene Lovich /

UK 80 Ma 17: Magazine-Missing Scientists / 4/08 Metro

UK 80 Mo 16: Moderates-Mysterious Footsteps /

UK 80 N 17: Name-Notsensibles /

UK 80 O 14: Observers-Ouida & The Numbers / 7/08 Observers pic.

UK 80 Pa 19: Paranoids-Plague /

UK 80 Po 18: Poison Girls-Pylons / 5/08 Prats pic.

UK 80 R 13: Radiation-Resistors / 12/07 Radio 5 pic.

UK 80 Rev 13: Revenge-Ruts /

UK 80 S 16: Salford Jets-Sham 69 / 11/07 Shake Appeal pic.

UK 80 Sh 14: Shapes-Slowguns /

UK80 Sm 16: Smack-Squire /

UK80 St 16: Sta-Prest-Systems /

UK80 T 15: Tagmemics-Those Naughty Lumps / 11/04 Those Naughty Lumps pic.

UK80 Thr 17: 00.3 Minutes-Type / Thunderboys pic.

UK80 U-V 13: UK Subs-Vye /

UK80 W 12: Wah! Heat-Worlds Apart /

UK80 X-Z 13: X-Certs-Zorkie Twins /

Compilations1 14: A Sudden Surge Of Sound-Live At The 101-Warts'n' All /

Compilations2 13: No Cause For Alarm-Weird Noise /


UK81A-B 24: Ace Bentley-Bystanders /

UK81C 16: Cartoons-Clive Culbertson /

UK81D 13: Da Biz-Drama /

UK81E-F 18: Eager Beavers-French /

UK81G-J 20: Gambit Of Shame Class-Jump Squad /

UK81K-L 14: Kasuals-L Voag /

UK81M-N 19: John Marlon-Noiz Boiz /

UK81O-Q 26: Odds-Quality Drivel /

UK81R 14: Radio City-Ruts DC /

UK81S 18: SA55-TV Smith /

UK81So 15: So Hep-Systems /

UK81T 18: Talkies-Two Fingered Approach /

UK81U-Z 23: Vital-Xtract /



main data source here: international discography of new wave 1983./ Lowdown Kids/ Fierce sales catalogue.

several pictures were taken from various sites without permission. especially thanks to the Lowdown Kids at Fierce for the

rarest pictures.

New pictures: 3/09 Cravats 11/08 Genocide Exit 9/08 Corvettes 7/08 Observers 5/08 Delta5/ Essential Logic/ Prats

abbreviations for compilations: BS= Bloodstains (followed by B= Across Belgium, Eu= Across Europe, etc.)

BT= Bored Teenagers, CN= Cheap And Nasty, DIY= Killed By Death British DIY, EBM= England Belongs To Me,

KBD= Killed By Death, LDK= Lowdown Kids, Mod= This Is Mod, PP= Powerpearls, RR= Raw and Rare British Punk,

TT= Teenage Treats


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