The Despair Factor
Living each day like you're already dead.
Nothing can erase the damage done

Last Updated: April 6, 2004

Hey.  I can't believe I have updated this damn thing since last June.  Due for another update, no?

Here's something I recorded a few days ago.  I added some effects to give it a live feeling.  Enjoy it.

Melancholy Solo (recorded April 2004)

As well, here's the old stuff.  Feel free to compare, as this stuff was done almost a year ago.

Random improvising solo stuff
Metallica's Master of Puppets
Fun with tapping
The random improvising solo stuff with some cool effects

Can we, can we kill each other quickly, quick enough so I won’t feel it?  A shot of strobe light anesthesia and I’ll be fine ‘cause I’m beginning to feel cold, my hands are shaking from fear, white from clutching my pride, red from cutting you and blue from telling lies.  Cause I’m sick of the stabbing, I’m sick of the breaking, I’m sick of the bleeding until we fall down, sick of this circle of death that we dance through again and again, just lay me in the ground.  Let’s fall asleep together, hold me darling ‘cause I’m scared, and I can’t do this alone.  But I need your heartbeat to haunt me, your cold lips to breathe, a promise that tomorrow we’ll wake up somewhere new.

Thrice - Kill Me Quickly

The national media cover Clinton/Lewinsky
While the world’s governments sell out millions on the issue of free trade
But somewhere in the night – a force is not asleep
And a massive organization plans to rise up to its feet…
It does it like this…

A pirate radio voice transmits into the night
And from D.C. to Peking email warns of lost global rights
And the hoax the world’s leaders, wanted no one to see
Comes crashing on their heads from grass roots – striking it down
The blows coming for the world’s…

Underground Network – Alternative communication
Corporate Media can’t keep us beat down, brainwashed, enslaved
‘Cause of our Underground Network – Alternative Communication

They try to blind us but we…
Stand up and fight! Stand up and fight!
They try to keep us ignorant but we…
Stand up and fight! Stand up and fight!
They want to take our rights away so…
Stand up and fight! Fight!

Just take a look around the world and you’re going to find that nearly all mass media are owned and controlled by a handful of conservative capitalists. We must devise and implement alternative methods of distributing our news, our information, our ideas – people worldwide working together to take a stand, to tell the truth!

Underground Network – Anti-Flag

Currently listening to:

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