The David Westbay Home Page
This is my first try at a web page, so with luck it will change and improve as I get a chance to work on it. Bear with me if it looks primitive right now!

I got on line in 1994 when I bought a computer that came preloaded with the old Prodigy on-line service software. I was using a 2400 baud modem back then; can you believe that we actually did that? Finally, all these years later, I am trying my hand at a personal web page.

Soon I hope to have some photos of myself and my family on this site, as well as of some of my interests. I am a big fan of the rock group Yes, and I have many on-line friends whom I have met through that common interest. Maybe I will post a few pics of them here too!

I am also an actor in community theater, so you may see some stuff here about the productions that I have been part of over the years.

I hope you will check back again soon!
My mug shot  :-)
My Favorite Links:
Notes From The Edge
Patrick Moraz
My Info:
Name: David Westbay
Email: Click here!
I have added a page with some photos from my summer 2000 trip to Boston. Click here to visit my Boston parties page.
Here is another photos page just added, for the 2001 Yes tour: click here