Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead
Alternative Music

Who Killed Kurt Cobain?
-- Murder or suicide? What role does Courtney play in this case? Questions to mysterious death of the rock legend of the decade.

The Best Rock Bands
-- The best rock groups of all time. Nirvana, Radiohead, Joy Division...

Adventure Sports

Climbing Message Board
-- Thrilled by rock climbing? Check out the climbing message board.

Why Don't You Climb?
-- Five reasons that you have to climb.

Love & Fun

Love 101
-- Love can be as sweet as a cherry pie and as funny as a fresh friday night. Join this interesting lecture of love.

Pictures Archive
-- Collections of some really cool wallpaper images and sports pictures.

-- Check out the song I wrote. This is my love, my life, and my soul.
Season's Greetings -- Happy Holiday! Check out Babe's Music Box.
Joy Division - Permanent
Joy Division : Permanent
[Coming Soon!] Joy Division is a band from Manchaster in '70. Their dark and soulful music arouses a new wave in rock history. Unfortuantaly, Ian Curtis, the vocalist of the band, committed suicide in 1980. Their record company released a collection of their greatest music called "Permanent" in 1995 which is an album you can't miss.
Ski accident
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Last updated 12/15/99.