As you can probably tell, I love music! When I was like 7 my favorite song was Epic by Faith No More and I liked Motorhead(don't ask..both are my brothers influence) Although, I did go through my NKOTB phase... thank god that ended..wait.. it didnt.... Anyway, I've liked 311 since the summer of '96. I've seen 311w/ Sugar Ray in concert, which was my first concert ever. I've seen them 7 times since then. G.Love and Special Sauce played at one of their concerts and they were really good.. they're now one if my favorite bands and I've seen them three times since, one time being at my very own school! I started listening to Dave Matthews Band in '99. I used to hate their songs and to some of my friends it was a sin to listen to them. But, ever since I heard the song Crush and saw them(on tv) perform at Woodstock, I realized I like a lot of their songs and they're another one of my favorite bands now. Other favorites are Incubus and Jack Johnson. Jack wrote one of G. Love's songs "Rodeo Clowns" so I always wanted to check him out, now, I love him. I started playing bass a few years ago.. but i wouldn't say "I know how to play bass". I can play tabs and I know how to play a bunch of songs but I'm hoping that someday I'll learn how to play for real.
Now, I'm going to go to college to study the "Music Industry" so I can do what I really want- work at a record company... Yeah.. maybe that will happen...
I saw 
Blink 182 with Fenix TX and Bad Religion.. they were good. I've also seen Dave Matthews(well.. i heard him.. he was about the size of an ant from where i was) Other bands I like are Roni Size, Soul Coughing, Zebrahead, Sublime, Dispatch, Shootyz Groove, Ben Folds, Avril Lavigne (YES I like Avril and have NO shame!) Then there's classic shit like Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd that everyone enjoys  etc.. etc..
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Movies!! Of course I can't ignore great Kevin Smith(aka Silent Bob) movies. He's made only 5.. but they all kick ass!....anyway,Kevin Smith, himself, is in all 4 movies as the same character, Silent Bob.. and he always has the same sidekick, if you will, Jay. Thus, Jay and Silent Bob. Each movie contains pretty much the same actors but they play different parts. And in each movie there are references to the other movie... like in Mallrats they mention something that happened and in the movie Clerks you hear of see the same thing. And in Dogma, theres a part when Jay and Silent Bob are telling people about something that happened and it was in the movie Mallrats. Yes! It's pretty damn confusing! Well watch em and understand better! The Movies are Clerks,Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma and of course Jay and Silent Bob Strike back!! Quality films.. . Go to to get info bout all the movies... Now go rent em!!
Another favorite pair is American Pie 1 and 2... though i must say, i think i like the second one better! My brother and his friends got me into liking Half Baked... haha(good movie!)!
Other awesome movies are Dazed and Confused, Empire Records, Office Space, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Happy Gilmore(or basically and Adam Sandler movie).
well, I can drive now but all I got is a chevy malibu thats older than I am... but it's okay because I've pimped it out with flame stickers, dice and steering wheel cover... OOH YEAH! And it's name is Fuego! Anyway, I still love Volkswagons, It started with Beetles. I started liking them about the summer of '97.. when everyone else did..... I thought I was being different...I was wrong. Except for one car, I was. The VW Thing(yep that's a car name). No one knows what the hell it is! It had a little cameo in the movie Dazed and Confused so whenever I watch it I show people... the pause button comes in handy. It also goes by 181, Safari, or Trekker. They're pretty old(1973/74) and I AM TOTALLY GETTING ONE! someday... probably not...  the main problem is the only good ones(or ones at all) are all in like California.. way far away from me and theyre like $5000.. so I dunno.. maybe when I'm rich.
Any Volkswagon is awesome though.. like Jettas and Golfs and Cabrios. And for some reason I like Volvo's too.. I think they're 240's that I like...either way, I like the "box look" of em. My dream car(besides the Thing) is an Audi TT.. man.. that's the sexiest car, I must say.. and I dont call many objects "sexy". Audi S4's are wicked nice too. I also like the new Nissan Maxima's. I ALSO like RAV 4's.
Favorite Kevin Smith Movie Quotes:

"Look at you! You're the kinda guy that would
beg for sex!! And I would know... we can smell out own."- Brodie, Mallrats

"Hey, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!                                 Hey, hey you get back here!"- Dante, Clerks
There are also some good TV shows that deserve mention. Sifl and Olly, for instance. That show is hillarious, it looks stupid but thats my kinda funny! Who knew a couple of socks would turn into a great TV show? It's too bad MTV had to go and ruin a good thing by booting them. Anywho, my favorite show right now is That 70's Show! Every episode there is always a part where I will just start dying laughing! It's Great! The Tom Green Show used to be a favorite.. but then it got played out and then Jackass tried to be like it and I just gave up on the whole concept. Another show that kicks ass is Daria! I love her "I don't give a shit" attitude... course.. I don't think MTV renewed her contract either... bastards.. Of course, no one can forget good ol Beavis and Butthead. Even after ending many years ago their legend still lives on.. well for me anyway... I used to like South Park back in the day when no one knew of it. When all the dorks in school started liking it South Park became not so cool. I think it was a tad overexposed. I can't forget a new addition.. SPONGEBOB! Once again.. i watched it before everyone else did.. and then he became this HUGE thing.. but.. still love him..
I've liked
Marvin the Martian for a long time. I don't really know why. I think it's because he's not too popular, unlike that damn Bugs Bunny who thinks he's so great.... Ok I'm done now.
Oh yeah... More crap!
This is the section about those "special" people in my life...
So, let's start off with Tara. I've known her since 2nd grade which is 10 years! YIKES! (yes, i just said "yikes"). We had a class together junior year.. we were the trouble makers of Humanities class.. actually we're his fav. students cuz we do our own thing in the back of the class room and he doesn't have to worry about correcting cuz we don't do any work  AND guess what! We had english together again! But we cant make trouble in that class... oh well.. we still find the time to share our days stories. She's off at Hesser College.. she's probably the happiest she's ever been... ;)
Ryan well.. after about 6 months broken up... Ryan and I are back together... and happier than ever... let's just hope it stays this way this time. =)
Diana is coo... we used to go to the mall together to be "mallrats". Usually I'd end up hanging out at her house doing nothing till like 3 am when my mom wants me home.. She's really friendly so it's nice to be around her and meet new people(which can be a bad thing)... not that I'm using her or anything...course.. compared to her I'm like some little, sheltered, timid girl... I've known of her since like 3rd grade but for some reason we had some mixed signals and thought we hated each other... hmm.. why did we think that again?? OH YEAH.. right... Anyway, she's off to North Carolina (where Steve is from!) at UNC Charlotte.
Lindsey, SHE is my House Of Clean buddy! we are the greatest! we (made) working fun... especially when the fumes get to us!! WOAH! she also like to tell and listen to stories.. and you can say shes influenced me a tad.. and given me some sage-like advice. Now shes gone off to college to hang out with frat boys and convince me to visit her at UMaine!
Becca, she's another one of those cool girls. I've known her since 6th grade English class.  She's cool cuz she appreciates 311  =) We like to hit up the old town hall shows... we used to make appearances at dances.. but it stopped being funny and became lame... we also liked to take random rides on the weekend so we feel like we have some sort of life. YEAH! She's off living it up in Philly at Temple University.
Leah. I bet she feels special. She's pretty cool.. We were friends in 6th grade but then some stuff happened.. we hated each other... and then we were BUDS! Some stuff happened.. but we're buds.. and we had spanish and health together.. yay! Nocito(our teacher) thinks we're attatched at the hip.. maybe because in the class, we were. NOW, she goes to school in Cambridge at Lesley College.. so she's come to visit me a few times.. and if it wasn't for her and Brian.. I might not be with Steve right now! Thanks Leah and Brian!
*Tina. Well, I'm not pleased to say that my band buddy Tina died.. as weird as that sounds to me. She was battling a disease called Aplastic Anemia, thanks to a close friend if hers i now know the actual name of it. She left for the hospital over a year ago and one day, I guess she lost her battle. My friend Craig told me... I wish someone had let me know ahead of time, before the funeral took place. Its so hard to realize that I won't see her again... maybe she can say hi to my dad.. Rest In Peace, Tina.
(i know that was really personal... but i want to let it be known.. since hardly anyone knew she was sick in my own town)

Now I'm just gonna say a few names so nobody feels left out.... NU People..  Kristen(my neighbor!), Liz, Elissa, Brian.... Steph(my roomie!), Chris (Hench!), Eric... AHS People...Alexandra, Erin + Kaitlin(dispatch!), Craig, Matty J, TJ, Mark.... ALL THE 311 HIVERS! My KEOKA BEACH PEOPLE! and those of you I missed... you're great too!
Basically, this page is a piece of shit. I update it about once every six months, and even then, the things I have written in each section are like 5 years old... ah whatever...
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My awesome Ibanez GSR200 bass and my little Danelectro amp.
My ferret is also in that shot.. RIP Daisy...
this is some extra entertainment for ya.. so incase you think this page sucks, it won't be a total waste of time..
UPDATED:10.11.02 @ 12:48AM
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Tina - I Miss You
gee... is that all??
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My College Writing 1 final essay...

speech which inspired my essay...