17th May 1946 : Born in GRONAU ( Germany : Rhenanie-Westphalen).He was only 13 years old when he won the first price at "Nordwestdeutschen Jazz-Jamboree". At 17, he left Germany and went to North Africa and France, played drums in clubs. Finally, he decided to go back to Germany in the city of Hamburg where he played in lots of different bands.
1957 : A wonderfull gift for his birthday : he received a drumbeat ! It's allright, he will be the most famous drummer of the world !1971 : First solo album in english "Lindenberg"
1972 : Second Album but in german "Daumen im Wind"; first real success but he was not yet very famous.
1973 : With a new band " the Panic-Orchestra", third Lp. It calls "Alles klar auf der Andrea Doria" by "Udo Lindenberg & das Panik-Orchester". It's very successfull. It was the first time in Germany, someone sang rock'n roll music in german !
Since 1974, UDO made more than 40 Albums always with the "Panic-Orchestra" (mit dem Panik-Orchester) but musicians inside the Panic-Orchestra were not still the same. Most famous musicians played for Udo ( Drummer Curt Cress, Guitarist Peter Weihe, Brothers Stroër Bros and don't forget the young brothers Hilbert ). For more than 25 years, Udo has a big success and not only in Germany (he made a big concert with 100 000 fans in Moscou in the 80's) but in many countries too.