When I started surfing the internet and looking for information on sharkteeth, I could not find any information on local sites/querries. I started my homepage to fill this gap and provide some information on different sharkteeth paleofauna's in the Netherlands and Belgium. Besides that I had temporarily acces to phantastic photo equipment. Later there appeared some other good sites on different fauna's in the Netherlands and Belgium, e.g. Jan Biesseman's pages (about Egem; unfortunately dissapeared from the web) and Kris Blomme's pages (Cadzand). I must also give Jim Bourdan and his excellent site "elasmo.com" credit for inspiring me.
I have been visiting the beaches of Cadzand and surroundings since my childehood. I even worked for several seasons as a bartender in "Nieuwvliet", starting to work at 5 or 8 in the afternoon and closing at 4 in the night I spend most of my spare daytime on the beach. However since I prefer a little activity (versus sunbathing) I discovered I enjoyed to "hunt" for sharkteeth.
It was around 1997 that I realized some different species could be seperated and started to look for some literature (like most people in the beginning I did not even fully realize my findings were 20 milion years! old). At that time I also learned my dentist was a collector (typical!) and he showed me his collection. Later on, in the company of an experienced fossil-collector I first attended Egem in 1999. It was love on first site! Since then I discovered several other interesting digging sites: Antwerp, ENCI and Mill among others. I also started to search for more literature on the subject and made contacts with other collectors. Finally I managed to get more species in my collection trough trading. If you'd like to contact me: morgenpep@hotmail.com
I hope you'll enjoy my site!
Pepijn Morgenstern,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Paleogaleus faujasi, found in the ENCI quarry Maastricht (Netherlands)