~*~Glittaz~*~ HideAway

note to you all - click on "links" to see not only links to other websites that I like, but also to see links to more pages on this website, such as the infamous "lust" "pro" "anti" and "top ten" pages that have pissed off a few people, unintentionally mind you.

"I don't think women are superior beasts, we have disgusting impulses just like men" -Shirley Manson

You can touch me if you want You can touch me if you want, I know what's good for you
I know you're dying to.

That many people care enough to visit my page...

I'd like to thank my buddy Jessika for making those little text blocks that I used on my page.  I'd also like to thank the Switch Blade Symphony webpage for the cute little kitties on the top of my page.........  and to the fucking yawhore clits...... HA HA I stole some of your graphics and you can't do a fucking thing about it..... BEEATCH!!!!!!!!!!