My name is Jerry Magby. I'm 20 years old, and live in Odessa, TX. I've been raving for about three years now and have enjoyed every second of it. Raving has brought the best out of me. Now i view the world with total optimism and I do everything i can to share what i have learned with others.
I urge everyone to keep a positive outlook on life. When live gives you lemons, make lemonade!

It is just as important for ravers to practice PLUR as it is to believe in it. Practicing the belief is done by hugging someone you've just met. Buying a water for someone you don't even know. It is likely that these things have been done for you at some point and time, and you know how wonderful it makes you feel when someone gives you a hug, or gives you a bracelet, or just tells you their sweet name. Ravers do these things for you because they respect you. It's their way of saying "You belong here!". I think that respect is what holds PLUR together. Because when someone respects you, and you KNOW that they respect you, the feeling of love and unity comes to you automatically. It's a feeling that is stronger than any drug. Another way to view this is: "How can I love someone, or show them that they are a part of me if i don't respect them?" Well, you can't. Respect MUST come first.

Sadly, many people feel that respect is something that must be earned. To me, this is the same thing as saying "If  i'm going to give, I have to recieve." PLUR will NOT work that way. You have to be willing to give and not expect anything in return. And i'm not talking about giving physical things. I'm talking about giving respect. From the moment you lay eyes on someone, show them your respect. It establishes a link between the hearts of two people, and is the foundation for all other emotions. Once the respect is there, then the opportunity for a new friendship quickly follows. As the friendship progresses, a certain level of love begins to take hold. And then the opportunity for a new relationship may follow. And once a relationship is started, and love is shared, then you have reached the ultimate level of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!