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Albums and Singles *

This complete list is to help you know which songs are in which album, so if you did not have one of his songs. You can go out and buy the album from a music store or from someone.

Lyrics are provided with albums already, if you don't have the album. Why do you need the lyrics???

Three big ones


The Day

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For The Cool In You

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Tender Lover

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Every time I close my eyes *

For the cool in you *

It's no crime *

Lady, Lady *

Tender Lover *
Talk to me.
Never keeping secrets *
Let's be romantic *
I said I love you.
Rock bottom Can't stop my heart
When your body gets weak
My kinda girl *
And our feelings *
Simple Days
Where will you go (prelude)
All day thinking * When can I see you * Whip appeal *
Soon as I get home
Seven seas
A bit old-Fashioned
Given a chance
The Day *
You are so beautiful Sunshine
How come How long *
Where will you go?
I 'll always love you *
This is for the lover in you *
Well alright

The first album



You Make me feel brand new
Lovers *
I love you baby *
Mary Mack *
If we try *
Take your Time

    A sort of a hits album was released in November, 1991 called closer look with the same songs from Lovers and Tender Lover. On the next list, you will see abbreviation L or TL that indicates which song in from which albums listed above. However,  couple songs are not from these two albums.

Hit it


Closer Look

I love you baby (TL)
Chivalry (L)
Lovers (L)
Mary Mack (L)
It's no crime (TL)
Whip appeal (TL) *
My kinda girl (TL)
Let's be romantic (TL)
Love make things happen (TL)
Love saw it
Two occasions *


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Please send any comments to me.

Babyface Photos are Courtesy of Sony Records, and Associated Press. This Page, include art designs are Copyrighted by Soul Face, as of 09/14/97

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