The licsense plate number on the Volkswagon is "28IF". Assuming Paul would have lived, he would have been 28. Actually, paul would have been 27 at this time. But, in the Near East, the people consider a human being one year old at the time of birth to account for the 9 months in the womb. And remember, Paul was extremely into Eastern religion.
Paul is out of step with the others. He is also in the path of a car that has just passed.
Paul is the only one smoking and he has the cigarette in his his right hand (he is left-handed).
On the back cover, if the dots in front of "Beatles" are connected, they form a "3".
Also on the back, a crack runs through the "Beatles" sign in the brick wall. This is a sign of imperfection.
While looking at the back cover, turn it 90 degrees counter-clockwise. A skull and spine image is illuminated in the brick wall.
Joan was quizzical, studied pataphysical science in the HOME