Each of the following groups exemplify the characteristics of art rock music: the ostentatious pomposity and the clarity of the full sound!
Please click on the above bar, in order to visit the main index page!
Please click on a named spot on the above painting, in order to visit an Art Rock group index page.
The above painting is entitled: "In Search Of Xanadu." It is an original 24" X 48" acrylic on pressed hardboard by A. Keith Davis. This painting is based upon the painting, "Another View Of Palm Canyon" by Wilton McCoy." It has been inspired by Roger Dean, or other artists and Salvador Dali. Other views of the series of paintings inspired by "Xanadu" can be seen at Exit... Stage Left or at my virtual art gallery page, or at Xanadu.
Please click on the above yellow ruler in order to visit the New Age index page.
Please click on the above yellowbar, in order to visit the popular music index page.
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my art rock group site! I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed your visit! I will be periodically updating this site from time to time.
Until then, I would sincerely appreciate it if you would leave your comments in the
guestbook (which contains code not written by me) or e-mail me at the address below! I will be adding more pages and I will also be changing the destination of the graphics and creating additional graphics as time goes on!