AKD's guide to Rush's Power Windows
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AKD's Guide to Rush's Studio Masterpiece: Power Windows     (1985)

Musician's nameInstruments played and other info
Geddy LeeBass guitar, synthesizers, bass pedals, vocals
Alex LifesonElectric and acoustic guitars
Neil PeartDrums, percussion and electronic percussion
Andy RichardsSynthesizer programming, additional keyboards.
Jim BurgessSynthesizer programming
Anne DudleyStrings arranger and conductor
Andrew JackmanChoir arranger and conductor

One of (if not the most impressive "art rock" concept albums ever released), Power Windows represents Rush at their peak of creativity during the mid 1980's. I first heard this album while I was walking across Phat Phong in Bangkok, Thailand in early March, 1986. I was thoroughly impressed with the musicianship on this album. The accompaniment of a string section to various songs only serves to enhance them even further. One song in particular, which is really enhanced by the support of an orchestra is "Manhattan Project." When you hear this song, you began to visualize being near ground zero during the infamous a-bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The music on this album conveys an incredible sense of power, hence the apt title-Power Windows.

Power Windows is superb! Second only to Exit in Rush's repertoire! This is Rush's best studio album and the best studio and concept album of the entire art-rock genre! Once again, every single person on the planet who owns a cd player-should own this album! It contains numerous masterpieces: "The Big Money," "Grand Designs," "Emotion Detector" and "Middletown Dreams." "Marathon," "Manhattan Project" and "Territories" border perfection! "Mystic Rhythms" is perfect: Rush's second best song!! Close your eyes and listen to "Mystic Rhythms" sometime. See if you can't imagine yourself in Kenya at the dawn of civilization! An absolutely superb piece of craftsmanship, that not unlike ESL transports the listener to another time and place!


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Track No.Song TitleTrack TimingComments
1.THE BIG MONEY5:37One of Rush's most inventive songs, combining "art rock" with new wave.
2.GRAND DESIGNS5:06One of Rush's most beautiful songs, a tour de force!
3.MANHATTAN PROJECT5:05Another of Rush's most atmospheric songs, it really makes you feel as if you are in the middle of it.
4.MARATHON6:10Another superb work which indirectly pays homage to the Beatles' song "Eleanor Rigby."
5.TERRITORIES6:20While listening to this song, you feel as if you are going from China to South Africa.
6.MIDDLETOWN DREAMS5:15Another superb song about the fulfillment of dreams.
7.EMOTION DETECTOR5:11Along with Different Strings, Tears, Panacea, Bravado and Resist, this is one of Rush's most beautiful songs!
8.MYSTIC RHYTHMS5:56Second only to Xanadu or here. This song is atmospheric, employs many different African and Asian instruments and almost makes you feel as if you are in Ancient Egypt or KMT or facing Mount Kilimanjaro during the dawn of Civilization. Portions of this song were used for the theme music for the now defunct news program "1986," hosted by Connie Chung.<

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