Ryan's Home Page

Hey there everyone. My name is Ryan and you are now looking at my newly published Web Page! I am still working with it and it should ever be changing for a while. This is best viewed with Netscape

I like to listen to Alternative Rock music and I can play bits and pieces of several alternative rock songs on the guitar. Check out Psycho-delic Cherry Pez band page. To do so click here, or look for the blinking text lower on this page!!!

I am 23 years old and now am now in Florida. I served a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Days Saints in the Montana Billings Mission. I am in Florida to go to school for Computer Engineering Technology. I have lived in Utah, Alaska, Hawai'i, California, and Florida. I live in Panama City, Florida. Home to "The most Beautiful Beaches in the WORLD!!!" Come and check out PC for spring break, summer vacation, or when ever you have time off and money to spend!!!

I just got engaged and am happily working toward our marriage date in late June. Wish I had some pictures to show of us, but unfortunately we have not found time to get a snapshot of us either seperately or together (strange I know!!!) At some point We should have a photo of us in the near future.
Click Here to see our photographs.

Mail any comments or suggestions to: ME

Here are some links

Smiley's Nirvana Web Page , The Crash Test Dummies

Snoopy and the Peanuts gang, Dilbert, Dogbert, and the evil Catbert

Computer company Gateway 2000 , Rock band Seven Mary Three

Psycho-delic Cherry Pez band page

Hey if you read this, PLEASE SIGN THE GUEST BOOK and tell me what you think!!! (it will only take a couple or minutes)

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A message from: The Smashing Pumkins.

This page was disigned by: Ryan Hallett. It was written and compiled by: RDH Computer Technology Inc. A subdivision of Hallett Enterprises, LLC

Please send any comments to:Hal

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