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Analysis of how His sex models the literary style of Classification
The purpose of the assignment was to classify members of the opposite sex. This criterion was met, by classifying the boys of Sinclair. His sex exemplifies classification because the ideas discussed in the paper were based on the two main categories of “Guys I’d date” and “Guys I wouldn’t date” along with sub-categories. A third category is introduced by not focused on because it did not apply to the boys of Sinclair. The two main categories then are discussed with the sub-categories in the aim to study the relationship between the subject and the writer.Similarities and differences between the two categories are explored through the entirety of the paper. Perspectives about the opposite sex and the relationship between the two sexes are explored. The relationships between the two sexes are ordered in the categories of why they interact with one another. The relationships are ordered through the description of how the two interact with one another and why. In the subcategories the reasoning for classifying those that “I wouldn’t date” fall under forced relationships and close relationships. The forced relationships is named “the mob”, classified is the fact that a relationship with any of the people in this category only have a relationship with the opposite sex because it is forced, and unavoidable. The second, the close relationships that still remains “updateable” because though people are still of the opposite sex, when they know each other long enough they stop thinking of each other in a sexual manor. Classified also (loosely) in the category of relationships that are not long and lasting is the relationships of a physical nature that never actually happen. This is part of the classification of the opposite sex because it is a way in which the human mind does order relationships with the opposite sex on a purely animal level.
The category of those “I would date” is not as concrete as the earlier category, with its sub-categories. This was intentional. This category displays how the human animal is not all animal and how the mind and heart come together to make the ultimate decision. Order is still shown with the description of this category however, therefore maintains a strong example of classification.
The classifications are clear to the reader. They are presented in a clear, honest fashion that spares no breath at discussing much of anything else other than the categories that being explored. Perspective and opinion are taken in regards to the classes and how they are presented.
The paper provides the reader to make their own judgments about the opposite sex, and to think about their relationship with the opposite sex. The piece also provides an outlet for the readers to think about how they already may think about their relationships with the opposite sex because of the many emotional commitments or sometimes lack there of in the word choice and structure of the paper.
His sex is a clear example of the literary style of classification.
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