decks decks
aircraft-great, john breaks wood decks all the time so he got one of these he chipped off the tails fast though

a-team-good pop,last long

anti hero-pretty good mine didn't chip for awhile, some of their newer ones have good pop

birdhouse-heard they used to suck, but steve got one lasted him pretty long, nice pop all that good stuff

black label-fucking awesome, awesome pop last long. i've had 4 and i'm going to get more

ccs blanks-good, nice pop, pretty strong

flip-my friend's tail got chipped up

maple-took john 2 1/2 weeks to break it, seemed really good. and lasted long especially for john

new deal-didn't last long for my friend pop wasn't bad

planet earth-good but not great think-my friend has had 2, lasted him awhile

toy machine-strong, light, and i can do flip tricks with it better

world ind-want a board with cool graphics that breaks easy? then world industries is your kind of board

zero-i don't really like them, they're not bad though