Life Time Ban

Oasis Banned For Life By Cathay Pacific Airlines Anticipating a replay of the problems reported when Liam Gallagher and the rest of Oasis flew from Hong Kong to Perth in February, Cathay Pacific Airlines announced Monday that all members of the group have been banned for life from flying their airline. The announcement comes as Gallagher prepares to return to Australia June 8th to face assault charges stemming from a incident in which he allegedly head-butted a fan who took his picture near the band's hotel in Queensland, breaking the fan's nose.

Cathay Pacific is banning the group based on complaints from passengers and crew aboard the flight, who reported that the band was drunk and belligerent throughout the flight, smoking and cursing at fellow passengers as well as crew members. Cathay Pacific reports that at one point the pilot was forced to leave the cockpit to urge the entourage to behave. 1