Meet the Trebles!!!

Greig:The talented singer and guitarist of the band. He also has a very good taste in style and he has wicked hair!! He seems to like Mcdonalds too. Oh, he hates my camera.....flash, flash, flash, flash...FLASH

BILL:Another talented treble. He also sings and plays guitar. He is the lead singer of Ever she flows, christ is on the lawn, stupid thing to say, etc... He usually doesn't have much to say. But that's ok.

ROSIE:Ah could I forget? Rosie is the bassist and backup singer . I think he has a cool name too. Him and his airwalk hushpuupie-esk shoes that he NEVER GOT.

TREVOR:Well, he;s the treble who plays the drums. He's also the newest addition to the band. I don't really know that much about him so..............