None of the CDs/CDRs in my collection
are available for sale, so don't bother asking! Strictly for trades
Use only branded media (no cheap
bulk media, please). I mostly use Verbatim (DataLife Plus).
I will gladly accept other good brands like: HP,
Kodak, TDK, Mitsui,
Taiyo Yunden etc. The only good brands currently
available in Indonesia are Sony and Verbatim (but lately Sony
disc have dropped in quality), I hope this is okay with you. If
you're more comfortable with other brands of blanks let me know,
I'm sure we can work something out.
current stock: VERBATIM DataLifePlus
80 min (Silver/Cyan) & (Silver/Silver)
Always burn discs DAO
(Disc At Once), 2 seconds gaps are totally unacceptable!
Use a proper audio grabber,
no pops, clicks or other annoying errors please. Here's an excellent
Digital Audio Extraction cardware program you should try out:
Exact Audio
Copy. Once you’ve installed EAC, go to the Unofficial
EAC Page for CDR Traders (link available after you install) for
excellent pointers to use this nifty little program.
If you’re used to burning discs without EAC, please enable
the jitter correction feature (available in most
decent CD authoring software).
I prefer to trade with traders who use EAC though…to minimize
the chance of getting discs with errors.
I strictly use EAC for Digital Audio
Extraction and burn CDRs using Nero Burning ROM
If there are noticeable errors/flaws
in your copies, please let me know in advance.
I'd rather we sort it out up front, it beats the disappointment
of receiving flawed discs.
IMPORTANT: if your collection includes unmarked CDRs made
from MP3 source please let me know about them.
Send discs without jewel cases
to minimize postage costs. Do not write on the discs; write on
a separate piece of paper for disc identification purposes. Avoid
sticking post-it notes on the discs, there’s always chance
the post-it will cling to the data surface and ruin the CDR. Always
make sure to pack them well (preferably with cardboard inserts
or protective pockets/sleeves and always use padded envelopes)
to avoid damage during shipment. Always ship AIRMAIL,
surface mail takes too damn long! I prefer to send packages REGISTERED,
but this is optional (No need to send your package to me registered,
standard airmail is fine. I like to send registered for the extra
insurance and because it’s quite inexpensive in my country).
Normal shipping times for Indonesia – USA is about 2 weeks,
Indonesia – Europe is about 10-14 days, Indonesia –
Asia/Australasia is about 5-7 days.
NOTE: You might have to pick-up registered packages at the
Post Office or sign for it, but it depends on your local Post
Office. Please let me know if this is a problem for you.
I also prefer to trade discs
in multiples of 4 CDRs, 12 CDRs
or 25 CDRs to get the postage weight just right
(based on Asian and European postage rate tables). Unless we're
doing a first trade and we want to test the mail system first,
I now prefer to trade 25 CDRs at a time, I hope
this is okay with you. I usually take 2-3 weeks to complete a
25 CDRs trade, if you need more time, no problems.
We ship at the same time. No
problem if there are delays…but please let me know.
No need to send printed or color
copied artwork/liners with the discs, send the liner scans (JPEG
files) on a separate CDR (just use any no name or cheap CDRs).
Scanned liners/artwork - complete Front (open or separate), Back
and Tray/Insert (if available) - should always be included with
the trade, unless we agree otherwise beforehand. Preferably at
300 dpi resolution (minimal), JPEG format, compression quality
8-10 (high - maximum), 1:1 ratio or 100% size. As an alternative,
if high-res/good quality scans are available online (at www.mega-search.net
or similar sites) just point me to them.
Please let me know if you can only provide poor quality scans
(eg: scans of computer printed liners, low-res scans, Xeroxed
liners only etc).
NOTE: Some traders prefer to have the front booklet scanned
opened, scanned as one JPEG file or “front open” format.
I have some scans that are “front open”, but most
are separate scans (front and inside). When I scan front booklets
of my own CD collection, I also scan them separately, scanning
one side and then flipping the booklet to scan the other side.
I like to keep my CD booklets as mint as possible, and scanning
them front open tend to damage the booklets, ruining the spine…sorry.
Of course, if you really want the scans in “front open”
format, I can always combine my separate front scans in PhotoShop
and send them to you as “combined front open” JPEG’s.
We keep in contact until we're
both satisfied with the trade.