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Welcome to the Tamia Fan Website
, the first and most complete online website dedicated to Canadian R&B vocalist Tamia Washington.  I began this website in late 1997 after noticing that there was no resources online about this truly gifted singer.  This website contains the most information on Tamia found on the internet. I have compiled information found from magazines, newspapers, internet, and other people. Feel free to browse the site (menu on the left) and contact me with any questions, info, corrections, comments.

--heyjey (

What's New - recent updates to the site

*NOTE* due to my busy schedule, I stopped updating the site since May 2001.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the site in the past 4 years.  Congrats to Tamia & Grant on their upcoming baby (due in January).  Who knows, if I find more time I'll start up the site again.  Feel free to still e-mail me with any Tamia questions you might have.   ~jey~

IN STORES NOW: Stranger In My House CD Singles
2trk CD Single & 9trk CD Maxi (with exclusive remixes)
(both are enhanced and contain the "Stranger..." music video)

album A Nu DayCan't Go For That enhanced CD single in stores now

site created by heyjey
send e-mail to:

visits to this site since its creation on November 12, 1997 | last updated October 22, 2001

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