Reviews of ISPs (Internet Service Providers)

These are reviews of commonly used ISPs

If you have any to add E-Mail Me!

Josh's Rating System

***** - Excellent

**** - Pretty Good

*** - OK

** - I don't recommend

* - Terrible

None - Oh my god, if you even think of it...

Josh's ISPs

America On-Line (AOL) - None

Compuserve - *

GNN (Global Network Navigator) - ** (I heard they're being phased into AOL, too bad)

Interaccess - *** (Too much money)

Earthlink - ****

Ripco Communications - **** (Too bad it's a long distance call)

Wow - * went out of buisiness before anyone could use it - ** (Very Fast! But they wouldn't let me cancel and used my credit card)

MSN - *** (Bill told me to put it here, argue here)

AT&T - Some guy told me it was "pretty good"

Coffey - ***** (Courtesy of John K. Coffey)

I know that this list is a little small, but I haven't had the opportunity to try more. If you have any more to add, don't hesitate, of course to: E-Mail Me!

This Page is owned by the Scat(V)an AKA VVarder

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