Breaking News!
What's new on this site?
Ok, the first thing is this site's new (old!) location: please ensure that you update your bookmarks to reflect it's new address
Secondly, THIS PAGE!! Which I will try to update as often as possible, so please keep coming back here!
Thirdly, unfortunately, I have had to remove the "Your Reviews" page from discography, and "Your Views" from the main Styx page, both through lack of interest, so, sorry & thank you, to those of you that did respond.
Coming soon: A new page dedicated to the new band member, Lawrence Gowan (see below)
What's new with the band?
We now have a new member in the band, and, apparently, sadly, one less: it seems that Dennis De Young and Styx have now parted company on a permanent basis, and he has been replaced by Anglo/Canadian star Lawrence Gowan, who was filling his shoes on tour, while Dennis tried to recover from his mystery illness.
See the news article in full here.
So the current, touring line up, of Tommy, JY, Gowan, Todd & Glen appears to be the new Styx version 5.0
Elsewhere, while the band's and Dennis' lawyers slog things out, the Official Site is down, awaiting resolution of lagalities (presumably)
All Stygians everywhere, I am sure, wish Dennis well in his new solo career, and equally wish the band well: may they both go on to bigger and better things, and maybe, who knows, their paths will merge again sometime in the future
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