Okay this is a little thing, tutorial i guess you could say. Basically i scanned different stages of this drawing i was doin so people could look and see how i do my stuff. Im not a very good writer but i suppose youll be able to figure it out. Ive also used a divine evil on this page called javascript... but it makes the pics popup so you can read tha junk and look at pic at same time.

this isnt a very good tutorial but its a pretty fast one on how to draw a body pose i guess.

Stage1 Stage 1 ok with stage one here i basically map out the pose in just a simple outline with little to no detail. i put those black lines on it to show the measurements of head height. usually i do 7.5. even tho i think true realistic measuments are 8 heads. a little below the 2nd head is the bottom of the breasts. 3rd head is the belly button. a little above the 4th head should be the crotch. a little below the 5th head is the knees. 6th head is shins. right at the 7th head would be ankles.

Stage2 with stage two i drew in a simple outline type thing of the clothing. not goin into too much detail on one part until i had a complete idea of what i wanted it to look like. also at this point i drew in her face and hairline. if someone wants a tutorial on the face id hafta do that later.

Stage3 final stage 3. this is were i put the final touches with massive detail (well not very massive on this pic but whatever). as you can see i changed my mind about her boots and made them into highheels. i erased all the guidelines and the parts of her body that ya not supposed ta see. her hair came in as well, it took me i little bit to figure out what kinda hair i wanted her ta have. the last thing i did was the spell shes holding. and basically that spell was the whole point of drawin this picture.


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