
Sorry for not updating the page for ages.

Come back with Black and Blue Live information.

FUN DAY, 24/7 Ko Shan Theatre, 
virus, Luxury, black & blue, dust, site access

on or before friday23/7, go buy tickets of FUN DAY
at a very special price of $50 (original price is $80) 
each at fruitball shop (rm1502, bloom house, 2, 
tang lung street, causeway bay, hk), call 25727886 for details.

Thanks for Hong Ka Chun for the above info. 


Candy sent me some B&B's photos and I've added them on the page.

Finally, Black & Blue did appear in U Sound Festival Finale coz Ah Fung has some problems. But they may have a mini show on 24/5 in Space Museum.

從 hk.rec.alt-music newsgroup 看到一個 Link.
那裡有一些 Black & Blue 過去在 Quote Zone Saturday Night Live 的現場錄音, 一定要去聽聽啊 !!

Coming Live Performance and new photos added
First of all, thanx for kin sending me two photos which were taken from Concert For Generation '97.
Black & Blue will be back again !!! They will take part in this year's U Sound Festival. The show will be held in CU on 26th April. Others performing bands included : Beyond, Anodize, 北京樂隊 Sober ( 清醒樂隊 ), Big Mac, DSD, JSD, NT, Scaffold, Screw, Sensation, Dele, Virus, 民藝復興.

A New Homepage for Candy
A brand new homepage for Candy has been constructed. Interested parties please have a look. I hope that you will feel it imformative though the site is rather simple.
Also, I apologized for not updating this page for a long time !

More news about Candy.
Candy has signed Sony Music (HK) Record Company at the mid of March this year. She will fly to Taiwan later to record her 1st Mandarin album later. It may be out about next year.
She is making demos by her own at home and she is learning Mandarin now to prepare for the up-coming album !

Candy has quitted the band at the end of September in 1996. She has signed the record company this year and her 1st EP maybe released at the end of this year or later. So please wait patiently if anyone is interested in her debut!
The other band members (Charles, Brian, Chu and Fung) will continue till the end of this year. However, the truth is not confirmed yet. Perhaps they will continue....

Black & Blue featured in a compilation called "七月一日生", for more information,
pls visit the Discography page

以四人姿態出現的 Black & Blue, 將會參加一個名為"Concert For Generation '97", <<給新生代音樂會>>. 其他 performers 還有 Black Box, ....huh!?, Virus, Ivan Wong, 黃秋生 & Friends. 日期為 12.4.1997 (SAT), 演出地點為屯門大會堂演奏廳, 票價 : $70, 100, 130, 160.

自 Candy 離隊以後, <<怨中作樂, True Blues>>, 應該是她首次 以個人姿態作公開演出. <<怨中作樂>>是一個集合本地怨曲精英的音樂會, 參加演出的還有 House Band, William Tang & The Blue Wail, Danny Summer 等等. 是次音樂會是第廿五屆香港藝術節表演節目之一, 於 14-15/2 八時正於藝術中心壽臣劇院舉行, 門票已於 URBTIX 發售, 分 $120, $60 (學生票) 兩種.

Sorry for not updating the homepage for a long time. I've just got some news about them. Luckily, they haven't split up. ( Thanks God ! ) Candy will start her solo career. Charles, Brian, 朱仔 and 亞楓 will continue the band. However, they're no longer under Music Communication and they still haven't signed any record companies yet.

A new review is added in the page. Sorry for the lyrics page and the guest book coz I still don't have time to manage them. Please wait.

Black & Blue become the nominee of the best new artists of the 19th Chinese Goldsongs Awards. Support them and VOTE for them !!

Well, the lyrics page is coming soon. Be patient ! By the way, I'm constructing a guest book now. You can leave any comments about my page or Black & Blue in the near future.

It's a very sad news. :( Recently, there is a rumour saying that Black & Blue is going to split up. The reason is that Candy ( the vocalist ) will quit the band. I have sent a mail to Music Communication and tried to confirm this. However, they still haven't given any responses ! I hope this is just a rumour only. If you have any information, please mail me.