Gustav Fröhlich

Gustav Frohlich's Silent Filmography

Asphalt, 1929.

Wachtmeister Albert Holk Originally titled "Der Polizeiwachtmeister und die Diamantenelse" in Germany
Directed by Joe May, this movie is extremely hard to find - it is technically out of print, though I did find a copy floating around at one of the independant film stores here on ye olde internete. I highly recommend this movie, especially if you want to see Gustav seduced... come on, you all do

Avalible at Facets Multimedia
In the Nursery
Review (in french)
A site in Japanese
Das Brennende Herz, 1929.

aka Burning Heart, The (1930) (USA)

A site in Japanese
Angst - Die schwache Stunde einer Frau, 1928.

aka Angst (1928) (Germany: short title) aka Fear (1928) (UK)

Eva und der Grashüpfer, 1928.

aka Eva and the Grasshopper (1928) (USA)

Heimkehr, 1928.

.... Karl ... aka Homecoming (1928)
Based on the novel by Leonhard Frank

Avalible at Facets Multimedia
A site in Japanese
Die Pflicht zu schweigen, 1928.
Die Elf Teufel, 1927. Review (in french)
Jahrmarkt des Lebens, 1927
Jugendrausch, 1927.
Der Meister von Nürnberg, 1927.

Walter von Stolzing ... aka Master of Nuremberg, The (1929) (USA) ... aka Meistersinger, The (1927)

A site in Japanese
Gehetzte Frauen, 1927.

Junger Fürst ... aka Lebende Ware (1927) (Germany: alternative title)

Metropolis, 1927.

Freder Fredersen
Also starring Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Rudolph Klein-Rogge. Directed by Fritz Lang. After I saw the newly restored Kino version of Metropolis in the theater, the tiny audience of 6 burst into applause. If you have seen the cruddy budget-line releases of this movie, you probably know that it is a cool story, albeit confusing at times; do yourselves a favor and buy (or at least watch) Kino's version. You will be astounded!
After many, many years (roughly 75) this film has finally been pieced back together - at least as well as can be expected. At its premier, the film was reported to have run for 17 reels, then was promptly cut to 10 ... most of the extracted footage is lost forever. But leave it to Kino on Video to try to make us happy by finding lost scenes and filling in the holes with parts of the novel. Kino, we love you.

Metropolis (Restored Authorized Edition) from
Review (in French)
A site in Japanese
Der Weg zum Licht, 1923.
Paganini, 1923.

Franz von Liszt. Also starring Conrad Veidt.

This film is believed to be lost.
Waren das Zeiten: mein Film-Heldenleben
Autobiography - out of print

Occasionally, will have used copies on their website - I have provided a link to this page.

Waren das Zeiten : mein Film-Heldenleben

A short bio in Italian

Visit the "only" Gustav Frohlich fan site

Filmography from IMDb
