*******************junk male order form*******************
   -Item & Description-           -Qty-    -unit-    -ext-

   band name band sticker          ___     $.50      $_____  
   drink up dirve home t-shirt(M/L)     ___     $7.00     $_____  
   junk male shoping cart pin          ___     $1.00     $_____  
T O T A L $_________
                       Name ________________________________
                       Address _____________________________
                       City ________________________________  
                       State/Province ______________________
                       ZIP _________________________________
                       Country _____________________________
                       Email _______________________________
prices are postage paid
Make all cheques and money orders out to: junk male. in Canadian or american funds.
Enclose a letter on why you hate us and you could get stuff free.
Print this out with your address and send it with the money order, cash or cheque to:

Innes Wilson
1761 Wavell st. upper floor
London Ontario, Canada
N5W 2E2