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The Walk With Wockys Guild Christmas Giveaway

     The Walk With Wockys Guild is representing the true meaning of Christmas by      helping out the less fortunate players. Throughout the day of December 25th we      will be putting hundreds of items in the Money Tree. These items include: Battle      Items, Toys, Books, Morphing Potions and other Magic, Neowart Fungus,      Petpets, even Gold & Black Collectable Cards! If you would like to add a      donation then send them to www_guild_giveaways.
     Current Items: 109

     This page is to give help to Neopet players. I hope that it gives you some useful      information. If you want to give me a few suggestions or add-ons you can email      me immortal84@earthlink.net. If you email me put "NEOPETS" as the subject      or it will probably be deleted since I get loads of junk mail. I only ask that you      don't ask for Brain Tree answers. I'm not positive but I think they don't give you      the same answer twice for a name. But if you would like to try go to Google.com      and type in the name you are looking for. It will bring up sites with answers other      people have gotten from the Brain Tree. To do a Brain Tree quest first accept the      quest and he will ask for the year and place someone died. Go to the Esophagor      and feed it once, then it will tell you when that person died. Then go back to the      Esophagor one more time and feed him what he asks for and he will tell you the      place that person died at. Some of these quests can be expensive and I hear      they're not worth the reward. You Can either buy Spooky Foods from the shop      wizard or do the witch's quest at the Witch's Tower. Sometimes Spooky Foods      are put in the Garage Sell for cheaper than it costs to do the Witch's Quest.


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