Chapter 1: First Impressions

I did the normal concert routine. I hated it. Acting nice, signing autographs smiling, and the most hated thing. The screaming, crying, girls.
"oh my god!He touched my hand!" a girl screamed in my ear.
"Thats it!" I screamed, jumping up. I stormed back stage leaving my brothers. I flopped on a couch. "Freedom." I sighed.
" Excuse me but i have a backstage pass for an interview." I heard a girl say. I was the lucky one tonight.
" I'm sorry but theres only one boy back here and he won't be a nice person to talk to right now." said a guard named Val. I walked to the door, now interested in thier convo.
" Well I am SO sorry for disturbing you. Do you know how expensive backstage passes are? I have an interveiw to do so let me in." She said in an cold tone. I couldn't help but laugh,
" Zac is that you?" Val asked through the door. I frowned and opened the door.
" Hey, I'm sorry but I'm not in..." I stopped. She was so beautiful. She had dark red hair that was cut to fit her pale face, and bright green eyes. She was tall and skinny, I frowned.
" I suppose you want an autograph." I said thinking she was like the others.
" No. I have a dumb interveiw to do. It's for a magazine. They should have told you." She said coldly. I thought.
" Oh that interveiw for Teenbeat." I sighed. " Umm, Isaac and Taylor should be back in a little while. You can come on in." I said geusturing towards the room. She walked in and sat on the couch.I let my eyes roam her, she had on tight black bell bottoms and a baby blue tank top. She looked 14. I was 15. I smiled to myself.
"So you must of been pretty obsessed to beg a magazine to let you do an interveiw.' I said. She made a look of discust.
" My dad is the editor." She replied. " Do you know how vain that sounded? I happen to hate you three MMMboppers."
" Hit me where it hurts why don't you." I laughed. " What's your name?"
" I'm Madelynn."
" Cool name." i said. it suited her. " We're staying here in L.A for a couple of months so i want to get to know some peoples names."
" I live here." She said. Just then my brothers stormed in with anger in thier eyes.
" Excuse my while I ring Zac's neck." Isaac said heading towards me.
" I don't care. As long as I can get this interveiw done." She begged.
" Good idea" I said. Taylor looked relieved. He knew I could Kick their tails.

Chapter 2 - NOT UP YET !!!!
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