Okie. This essay is about gays. Plain and simple. It also includes comments concerning my views on homophobes. Also prolly some distasteful language, but oh well. This is how I feel and how I express myself. So deal.

I can't comprehend why people don't like gays. For some reason to men two girls having sex is erotic and turns them on, but the thought of gay guys sharing their love is disgusting. Double standard much? I was prompted to write this essay b/c today (March 17th,1999) in my US/VA History class people started talking about gays and I overheard them. They were saying that it has always been "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve". First thing, the Adam and Eve was the first, but the Adam and Steve is not a new thing. Its been around for awhile, my mom heard it when she was young. Anyways, we digress. What I have to say to that is if yer a homophobe you must be racist, b/c it is the same concept. Being gay is a "deviation from normality" in today's "equal" (bullshit) society. Well all I have to say is that there was on original race (I refuse to say which one is the original for I do not know, and really don't care), and all the others are the deviation from normality. Therefore if your a homophobe, your racist.

I know a lot of guys who "say" they have no problem with gay guys, until one of them hits on the guy. Well obviously these people are a little insecure with their sexuality. I mean they say one thing and do another. Hypocrites. All of them. You may not agree with one's personal preferences, but you still need to respect them. I may not agree with something you do, but it is your personal choice and none of my business. Personally I would be flattered if a gay or bisexual woman were to hit on me. I don't mine, but you all know why. But even when I was "normal" I felt that way, even though I still had those tendencies. Anyways, I know 5 bisexual girls at my school (and one outside), some of the greatest people I know. They are not "typical" bisexuals. They are normal everyday people. They cross the race lines, and every other line there could be.

well I must depart now, keep checking back every few weeks and I'll up date it when I have the urge.
