
Why is it that a person's life can be destroyed by not having money? Why must people suffer b/c of this stupid fucking thing we call money? Why do we all want it, need it? I don't know. It is a pointless stupid thing that only spawns hateful and depressive emotions. I find what it spawns completely disgusting. It creates inequality between everyone. It creates hate and greed. In this society it is supreme power. I don't have much money I will admit, but I used to be some spoiled little brat. I've had money and I've lost it. It makes me appreciate everything I have, the love that I have around me. My great friends, and the people that love me. We all work so hard for the green, but it ends up coming back in our faces. This society is so materialistic. I'm a bit of a hypocrite by saying that, b/c I do enjoy what money has gotten me. But I hate the fact that I enjoy it so much. It tears people apart, makes them weak or strong. People do things just b/c they get money out of it, not for the enjoyment and the sense of self worth. There are a few people out there that choose a job strictly b/c they love doing it and not for the money. I'm not trying to be all high and mighty by saying this, and if you think I am, you obviously have no clue as to what I'm about. But I'm going to be an actress b/c I love it with all my heart. I realize that the chances of me actually having steady work are slim to none, but I'm gonna try to, b/c I love it. I'm planning and double majoring with Costume design so that I have something to bring in a little income so I can live. I hate the fact that I need money to live. I don't want it, but I have to have it. If want a decent life I must have money, but why? Is it so necessary to depend on pieces of paper for livelihood? I mean jeezy peezy, I fucking write on paper every god damn day. And I also hand over some stupid paper bills, or coins to someone for food, or something of that nature. Something I need or want, why can't I just have it? B/c people need to "earn" the right to have lotsa stuff. Yet some people make money off the misfortunes of others. i.e. politicians. Sorry had to throw that in. Damn me for being an anarchist. or not. anyways. Fuck money, and fuck society, I don't fucking want either.


Can ya tell I just hit a mad block at the end of it? heh. oh welly. I'll fix it later!