Well, your author has finally accepted the fact she is pathetic. I go on trying to be strong, but I just can't anymore. I wanna be weak. I wanna be taken care of. Yet there is no one to do that. I'm pathetic. Some stupid girl that can't get over the fact that her step father abused her for years. I'm weak. A strong person could get over it, but I can't. I remember the way he used to talk to me; like I was his little bitch. Mother fucking asshole. Well you know what? I am a little bitch, but I'm no ones little bitch. I'm my own little bitch. Yep thats me, little pathetic bitchy Lynne. How many of you out there realize you are pathetic? I applaud you... but one thing... what are you gonna do about it? Nothing you say? Good. Thats my plan. Do nothing, be nothing. I'll mooch. Yeah moochers! I had so many dreams, but I know that they will never come true. I'm a dreamer. Dreamers never make it, b/c we can't follow through on anything we do. Like my director said "You start off good, but you never follow through." Hmm.. that could be why I worked for 7 hours today building sets for a show I'm not even in. And I must say I think I did a good job, considering that I have no real professional training. I'm sore now b/c of it though. I worked hard, and this is what I get. Course I still have to follow through on the job I did. I have to follow through. I shall follow through. Maybe I'll get outta this rut I'm in and become something... eh, maybe not. Maybe I'll stay here, and just wallow. Sounds like fun to me! Be myself, be a dreamer, be nothing!!! Woo Hoo! Sit here in front of my computer and sip my water, and waste away. Let them find my dead body here, just sitting, my hands still glued to the keys. I can't believe I spend so much time on something that isn't real. Nothing here is real, itz all in our imaginations. Just like what I'm writing isn't real. Itz an idea. Not tangible, not real. Course you know the idea of freedom isn't tangible, but it is real? Wait... bad example, b/c there is not true freedom. ;P Had to sneek that in there somewhere, can you blame me? I've also come to another realization. I'm a sell out, everyone on geocities is. I mean they give me this free space, which is cool, I love anything free, normally. But like then they advertise all the time, and like put little thingys on my page, I don't want them there!!!!! ::criez and whines to the people at Geocities:: Take them down! You've merged with Yahoo, you got money, take them away!!! PLEASE! Alright, enough whining and complaining. I don't like them and I'm a sell out b/c I keep that stupid little thing that says where you can get yer geocities homepage. Maybe I'll take it down! HA! That'll show them to fuck with me! But then knowing my luck they'll put more adds specifically to my page. Isn't that just like them. Damn bastards! ::iz sorry so she can keep her free space:: hehe. I'm selling out, Woo Hoo! Lets all sell out together! Well enough with me, I'm going psycho, i'll stop now. ::takes her meds and sells out more:: Woo Hoo!!