Do any of you know what itz liked to be babied your whole life? I do. I always have been. People have been looking out for me my whole life. And now I'm starting to grow up and take charge of my life. And the second I act emotional, or say something, people think I need someone to look after me. They think I'm shutting down from them. They feel the urge to ask other friends of mine to look after me and make sure that I'm ok. Like I'm a fucking child. Excuse me for being emotional sometimes and telling it how it is to me. Course then they also think I'm closing down from them b/c I'm angry at something they do! what the fuck is that shit? I can't be angry b/c things didn't go my way? I can be a selfish bitch without someone worrying I'm gonna kill myself? Well excuse me, I'm too fucking weak to kill myself. I've found that out many times, b/c if I wasn't too weak, then I wouldn't be here. But I am. I'm weak when it comes to doing something about my emotions. Speaking about them however is a suit I'm very strong in. As anyone who has read this page can tell. People like to shut down from me, and then put the responsibility of me on others. Well I got news for them, I'm my own responsibility, and if I need someone to talk to, I will find someone to talk to by my god damn self. They don't need to look out for me. And you know what? If I really wanted to fucking kill myself, I would come right out and fucking do it. I wouldn't care who was around me or watching me or anything, i'd fucking do it if I wanted to. But apparently I'm too fucking weak just like everything. I'm a fucking hypocrite too. I don't follow my own rules for other people. But anyways, I've vented enough for right now. i hope the person I'm talking about reads this and realizes something... I may be young, but I'm a lot more fucking grown up than anyone even can concieve.