The Internet's Largest Collection of garbage MIDI Files

The Internet's Largest Collection of garbage MIDI Files

3 new additions:

A 2nd version of Wicked Ways

A 2nd version of Cherry Lips

A 1st version of Can't Seem to Make You Mine

Currently there are 61 garbage MIDI files on this website! Please enter below.

WOW! Over 60 garbage MIDI's and they keep coming!! I want to give a big THANK YOU to ALL the sequencers who have contributed to this Web site. I want to particularly thank the individuals whom I have dealt with personally for they have contributed a fair amount of the total MIDI's found inside. Thank you all once again!



visit the official garbage website at

The official garbage website - check it out!


Garbage radio on Radio Free Virgin

Garbage Radio 24-7 - check it out!



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The Internet's Largest Collection of garbage MIDI Files - click on ENTER below




Enter bill's garbage midi jukebox - ENJOY!


