"Twenty White Tents"  from Shapes.  Contributed by Colin

The tuning is the same tuning used in Enemy Insects (Shapes).  It is a
dropped-D with the 2nd string tuned to the third fret of the 3rd string.
I will tab the song in parts but you will be able to piece them together to
make the whole song.  As usual, the 1st string is the thinnest and
the 6th string is the fattest.  Also the spacing between chords do not
reflect exact timing.  Here we go!


h = Hammer on
^  = Bend up
/  = Slide up
\  = Slide down


                                                       b/u 1/2 step
let ring------------------------------->


         let ring>

Repeat and play accordingly.

2) This is the eriee part:

    let ring->

Repeat and play accordingly.

3) Played after Ash says twenty white tents on a yellow lawn......

                                 let ring-------->


    palm mute                                      let ring------>

Repeat, then play:

     let ring>