The Band
Russ - Lead
One of the founding members of RPN's original incarnations
"The Happy Sumo"
In the process of doing his own thing on the side called
"The Jim Henson Experience".
Anthony (aka
Tonza) - Lead Guitar
One of the founding members of RPN's original incarnations
"The Happy Sumo"
The man with all the songs. Anthony feels he has the power to
sack band members whenever he feels like it and does it at least
once every practice session, he has even been known to sack
himself on occassion.
Vlado - Guitar
One of the founding members of RPN's original incarnations
"The Happy Sumo"
The man with the idea (see Band Bio for the story).
Wal (aka
Andrew) - Bass Guitar
Joined the band in its '96 form "Two Guys from Kabul"
Rhythm God version 2.01
Simon - Drums
Joined the band in its '96 form "Two Guys from Kabul"
Unable to attend '97 competition due to Army commitments, nor did
he attend any rehersals because of lack of commitment (to the
band) as he, being the newly crowned "Thumbed One", had
a distraction in the form of "Simone".
Mystery Man - Drums
"mystery drummer he goes by the name
Paul "Slamming" Dawes... has been seen on stage in the
previous two Battle'o'band comps as the axeman in a slighty more
successful outfit known as "Ernst the Pornographer" and
later "the Continuing Adventures of Ernst the
Pornographer"... he has been sighted of late playing with
guys known as "Stubby Lust" and is in negotiations with
Russ to play with the "Jimi Henson Experience"... he
likes pistachio icecream and long walks in the country..."