
This is the Chinese Words page. It's also grown to include a lot of sites about Taiwan. So, if you're interested in learning some Mandarin Chinese or learning something about Taiwan, check these links:

1. Mandarin Chinese Lessons

2. Foreign Languages for Travel - Mandarin Chinese



Since my mother was raised in Taiwan, and therefore half my family lives in Taiwan, and because of my experience with the Study Tour last summer, I've decided to add some links to pages about Taiwan. With subjects ranging from geography, history, flags, and culture, there's a lot to check out.

1.ABC Country Book of Taiwan - This sight has lots of factual information about Taiwan.

2.Taiwan: The Formosa - This site was created by a Taiwanese guy, with lots of pictures of sights in Taiwan accompanying lots of history and culture.

3.A New Flag for Taiwan - This site has the design for the proposed new flag for the Republic of China. In my opinion, it's not the most aesthetically appealing flag, but I guess it's all in the principle.

4.The History of Taiwan - Well, this site's pretty self-explanatory. Go for it!
L'histoire de Taiwan

Scratch my what? Jia le!